i woke up early this morning to greet the cool saramento autumn. donning nothing more than running shorts and a long sleeve tee equivalent to that of a kleenex, i was grossly surprised by the chilling temperature. the bell men must have read the expression on my face as they assured me, "you'll warm up once you start running!" with a smile i took their word for it and made my way into the urban streets.
what i adore about running is that it offers me abundant time to think. as an internal processor and a daydreamer to the core, running is the palette for which i draw my rejuvenation and release the garbage that tends to litter my thoughts. each turn delivered fresh architectural structures to gaze upon, towering trees to canopy the rising sun and create a floor of uniquely painted shade, and stunning sights like that of the tower bridge; something you would never see in san diego. the trees flooded the city with gusts of bone-chilling winds. it has been a long time since i can remember my lungs hurting as i run due to cold weather - today was a pleasant reminder! this city has more history and more character than its neighbor 8 hours south where i reside.
with each mile i couldn't help but think of minnesota. perhaps it was the cold weather, or the stunning buildings, or maybe it was the tall, aged trees; whatever it was i was lost in nostalgia. i was reminded of a phone conversation i shared with my grandma just 3 days ago. we were chatting about travels and life and all that i am doing here in california and she said to me; "brianna you may be my little vagabond, but you will always be a minnesotan." this made me laugh as i ran through all the beauty that sacramento has to offer because i realized just how completely right she is. i can adapt to different places and fall in love with traveling to new sights, but at the core of it all, each new discovery will have with it memories of home.
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