Apr 28, 2009


i am a wavering pray'er. the fashion of these inconsistencies has less to do with the discipline of prayer time, but rather to the trust that is involved with each interceding encounter. it's like this; i know god hears the cries of my heart but i don't actually believe - i mean deeply believe in every single fiber of my being, that he is going to answer my prayers. 

this past weekend i was in minnesota celebrating in the beautiful uniting marriage ceremony of one of my dearest friends. there were many events that occured over the course of 4 days that i am continuing to process through. what i am presently turning over in my mind is the radiance of god's grace that illuminated the finite trust i have in him. each experience from this past weekend drew me to the cross and there i was greeted face to face with who god is. 

god is a god of redemption and i embraced sweet redemption this weekend. god is a god of restoration and i gazed upon the spledor of this jewel of truth. god is a god of grace and for 4 days i dined at the table of isaiah 61 with bountiful portions of beauty and oils of gladness. god is a god of faithfulness and this weekend i witnessed god's faithful character through countless means. the marriage ceremony of my friend, a girls night with some of my closest sisters, a transformation that is taking place in the marriage of my older sister beth and her husband, an awkward and amazing conversation with a brother, and the sharing of a stogie and some laughs with 3 very valuable people in my life. these are the facets that god chose to reveal himself through and as he did, the scales from my eyes fell away and i saw the fruits to years of prayers and petitions.

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