on friday i set out on a voyage; a visual search for an artistic portrayal of the road to emmaus. an old friend had asked me if i would be willing to share my photography with him for a teaching he was doing on the victorious story of luke 24. thrilled to do so, i set out with my d200 and bible bookmarked in luke at 4:45 am to capture dawn, noon, dusk, and midnight. what an adventure!
this story is one of my many favorites found in scripture. what i like so much about it is that is exudes absolutely everything we experience in life. it is a passage that covers the incredibly broad spectrum of emotion and of the unfathomable grace and room god extends to us to be deeply pierced by such emotions. it is a reading saturated with the hopelessness of death and the victory of life. it is a vibrant picture of how one must die in order to truly live.
generally i photograph what moves my soul. i never take along an agenda nor do i carry a box that confines what i shoot. this project opened up a new challenge for my imaginative palette while i was out capturing the corners of san diego county, i reflected on my own road to emmaus that i had walked years ago and in doing so; god had brought my heart to literally feel what the 2 men in the story felt as they walked together. this had transformed what began as a simple project for a friend into a 21 hour day of prayer and worship.
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