not so long ago i established my number one movie. i always thought questions like this were dauntingly

impossible to answer, seeing as there are multitudes of brilliant films circulating the entertainment block. then i saw
dead poets society - years after the rest of the world was introduced to it. the opening scenes of a small school quietly tucked away in the country, the ducks flying off the lake in the early morning light, and the thick desires of humans to be radically touched by the power of words immediately set this film above the rest. and the breath-catching line: "we don't read and write poetry because it's cute. we read and write poetry because we are members of the human race." only solidified my choice decision to declare
dps as my all-time favorite film.
the follow up question to the aforementioned avowal would most generally be, "who's your favorite band/musician/artist?" again, with a bewildering collection of talented artists alluring your devotion, how is one ever supposed to narrow his or her choice

down to just one? i have many favorites on my list. artists such as ray lamontagne, dave matthews, ben harper, jack johnson, u2, and coldplay garnish my music palette. however, there is one that is set apart from the rest... david gray. the man's lyrics exude the same sort of passion that bleeds forth from dead poets society. he has a unique way of combining the melodies of strings and piano to carry his words from our ears straight into the fibers of our being. he is absolutely my number one.
1 comment:
Good call going with David Gray. I'm on the edge of my seat waiting for his new album to come out!
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