Aug 30, 2008
1 john and osama bin laden

Aug 29, 2008
discerning prayer and the garden of my heart
"Dear Mr. Jesus" and the silenced epidemic
i'm actually working on my sunday morning teaching of 1 john chapter 5... well, i was until until i heard a song that my roommate was listening to on you tube. this song has been tucked away in my thoughts, buried under 15 + years of life and often times forgotten for months at a time.
the song is simply titled "Dear Mr. Jesus". i was first introduced to it along with 3 of my sisters by our neighborhood friend. when we listened to the burdening lyrics, which are sung by a little girl, each of our own very young hearts broke into fragile, tiny pieces. the words seemed to cling to our bodies like heavy blankets, as if they were draping all the brokenness of the world upon our childlike frames. we cried. our tears were no doubt prayers of the Spirit working through our trusting, immature faith.
when i heard this song tonight, all those emotions experienced by my sisters and i came rushing back. i cried, and my tears were no doubt prayers of the Spirit working through my trusting, and still immature faith. this time was different however. this time the crumbling of my heart leads me to action...
and the action??? it may not deal directly with innocently abused children in the same fashion as the song portrays, but it does deal with the abused. see, i work in the beautiful world of youth ministry. there are boundless important facets of my job; perhaps the one that ranks the highest is relationships. it is profoundly vital to pour out our hearts, support, encouragement and love into the lives of youth. one way i am able to do that is by coaching a high school girls cross country team. there is a common and very distorted, vicious, life consuming thread that weaves its damaging way through the lives of young women - the thread, no,the word thread gives it far too soft of a connotation; it is more like barbed wire fencing; the barbed wire that connects young teenage women across the world is a deep struggle with poor body image perceptions. i know that living in southern california the girls that i coach are especially bombarded with the blasting lies of media today screaming at them to look a certain way, and in attempt to keep up with such lies, the tumultuous patterns of an eating disorder set in.
in my early 20's i too fell victim to these lies and for 3 years i struggled with anorexia and bulimia. now fully healed because of God's sweet amazing grace, i can see the horrific effects of this body image epidemic (yes, it is absolutely an epidemic) in our youth today. i cannot and will not let it eat away at the lives of these beautiful, God breathed, gorgeously gifted young women. God have mercy, and move me into action.
Aug 24, 2008
the shack and earthly notions
Aug 23, 2008
the evening plans of an introverted people person
Aug 19, 2008
PGF in a nutshell
Aug 16, 2008
cnn and the church
Aug 12, 2008
strolling through the booths at "the pageant of the masters" art festival and reflections of the 1, 2, 3 carat rocks of jewelry designers blind my vision. now all i can see are bloody, horrific images of the inhumane brutalities and wars involved in the diamond industry.
each time i go to feed the homeless community of san diego i watch them gather around the offering table and dig deep into their shredded clothes pockets for a dime to place in the bucket - willing to give their only currency out of a heart of gratitude and i weep over my self consumed mentality.
i run through the streets of del mar and rancho sante fe and i am shaded from the hot sun not by the tall, reaching eucalyptus trees; but by the monuments of financial success we build for ourselves otherwise known as a house, that were once upon a time purposed to be a safe haven for families.
washing my face at night, brushing my teeth, or taking a shower no longer poses as a proper hygiene regimen. the amount of water i waste while shaving my legs or wait for the temperature to rise is now directly linked to a kaleidoscope of heart-wrenching colors that form into the shape of dehydrated children.
god is doing something to my heart and i cry out for mercy. justice begins with me.
Aug 10, 2008
nikon and emmaus

psalm 130 - thoughts on community in my wilderness
sets in
unbearable weight piles upon
the yoke of
fear i carry.
stifling layers of pain
crack and shatter
my spirit
so weary.
i wade through the blackness
in search of your morning.
crimson stains of sin
blindfold the light
of love's salvation.
sisters and brothers come quickly
peel open my eyes of green
to gaze into
mercy's liberation.
dear friends i plead
walk with me that i may taste.
darkness comes before dawn
let us wait like watchmen
and let us wait together.
from the depths hope flickers
crushing burden of shame
now weightless as feathers.
dancing in fields of joy
redemption beams.
of friends you stayed
upholding till i receive
guiding me to embrace.
lord you failed not
exchanging my night
giving father
in the beginning
was the stillness of the word.
the word that rested
so quietly
within the heart
of the father almighty.
breaking the silence
of timeless stillness
the father did speak
words of delight
and words of desire;
breathing into existence
the glorious creation
of his one and only
beloved son.
longing to give
his son so dear
an inheritance so priceless.
living word of passion
spoke into being
a lovely bride and partner for life
to reign with the son
forever by his side.
"she is yours" my son dear son
"cherish her" this bride i give
who's value and worth is purely birthed
out of relationship
intimate, sacred, and true.
as i give so shall you.
speak into her
words of truth
love her as a jealous bridegroom
"fight for her" oh son of mine
for as she is yours
she also is mine.