Jan 22, 2009
slowing communion

Jan 20, 2009
moving on

Jan 19, 2009
a poem for today
Jan 18, 2009
you smell like, fandango!
Jan 15, 2009
invading moon

Jan 13, 2009
my number one's

Jan 12, 2009
a few thoughts on psalm 51
Jan 9, 2009
a few of my favorite things...

past the super bowl and straight on to baseball!

Jan 7, 2009
forgetful intercessor

Jan 4, 2009
florence rest

What is it that makes the practice of doing nothing so uncomfortably challenging? In my rose-colored world I like to think that I am quite talented at this form of art – and I do believe doing nothing (and by doing nothing I mean fully resting) is in fact a rare and exquisite art.
This entire week I have been off work and for the first day or two this was positively dazzling! I read, I wrote, and I went for long gorgeous runs. By day number three however, I was clothed with the shredded whispers of busyness. The truth of the matter is, all I really wanted to do was extend my pathetically short sabbatical of literature indulgences, but these pesky voices of the American society crippled every ability to graciously allow myself to enter in to the next chapter of my book or spew out another mild attempt at poetry. These voices greet me in the morning even before I climb out of bed. The first thing they say is; “What are you going to do today?” then they will actually climb into bed with me and start prodding me with lists; “You should get up and go out for at least a 6-miler. There is a long list of scholarships you really need to start applying for. It’s a sunny day, how can you even think about taking a nap this afternoon when you should be outside enjoying the weather.” On and on they go. They are prostitutes selling phony ideas of self-worth and cheapening the beauty of rest. I told them to bugger off.
In the book Eat, Pray, Love, author Elizabeth Gilbert portrays Italians as being the masters in the skill of doing nothing. It’s quite comical really; how entrenched I become in the vibrant descriptions of the Italian people. As I dash into sentence three, I have already left the living room couch and commenced my own life of photography, writing, passionin Italy. Instead of Elizabeth Gilbert painting a picture of her journey through words, I am forming my own adventure – all daydreams of course, but it is my own none-the-less.
I want to be a better rest-er. I’ve never been one to make resolutions at the turn of a new year, but I think growing familiar through a deep relationship with this art is going to be a fresh intention of mine. Just as Jesus rebuked the draping whores of busyness and instead, reclined with his friends for hours over the dinner table, so too I long to shut out the noise and prop my feet up on the table and carry on in my daydreams of waltzing through Italy. My Nikon is packed, I’m ready to go… Florence here I Come.
Jan 2, 2009
fancy, sexy brianna
Jan 1, 2009
giving of myself

for the past few weeks, since entering a new age as a twenty something, i have been thinking about the ways in which God has been at work in my life. my boss once gave a friend of his some wonderful advice, he said: “look for themes in your life and pursue them”. my life has been adorned with a vast array of occupations such as a farmer, a barista, a server, a receptionist (i throw up a little bit each time i think of that one) unemployed, a photographer, a dairy queen cone maker, a strawberry picker, a landscaper, a volunteer, a traveler, and a learner. yeah, it’s been one intricate adventure that is for certain. but as i reflect on each one of these voyages, there is, believe it or not, a common theme. that is, the giving of myself.
as i grow in who i am the prayer for my life has shaped into one simple request - “lead me to where i may be a blessing to others”. in the book of genesis god gives abram the original blessing over his life.
“i will make you into a great nation and i will bless you; i will make your name great and you will be a blessing. i will bless those who bless you and whoever curses you i will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.”